One... Two... Three little raindrops hit my cheek as I lay on my cot on the roof. I sit up and watch the sky. Suddenly it starts to pour and I get help to stand my cot up, with the mattress tucked in so it wouldn't get wet and stand under a small building on the other side of the roof with just enough room to hug the building with your back and watch the rain fall less than a foot away from you. As my friend/team-mate and I wait out the storm I couldn't help but feel excited. I absolutely love thunderstorms and rain, what an adventure. We figured it would eventually stop and we would go back to sleep. Which it did.
There's nothing like the smell of the earth after a thunderstorm. It's as if it's been re-birthed and as such, it is fresh and new and for me it's something beautiful and comforting, even when it happens in another country.
At the same time I couldn't help but think of the tent city right below us. With drenched tarps and tents that provided little shelter for one person let alone a family.