Thursday, September 13, 2012

Epic Win

  This may more or less start as an incomplete thought but hopefully it will make sense towards the end.

  Today, after reflecting on some things earlier this week and coming from 3D last night talking with my small group girls, I finally started to understand what the Lord has been showing me. I suppose sometimes I can be a bit slow when it comes to a lesson God has been teaching me. Then again... when I really think about it, aren't we all? God isn't something you can just get because He's so infinite and none of us will truly understand and know Him till Christ comes back, however; that is also part of the adventure. Discovering new things about Him and in my own opinion, it never gets old.

  So, being that Monday I had the unexpected privilege of helping Kyle Adams, the tight-end for the bears at my job, [Click here to read on his experience/work in Haiti last summer]I've had time to really reflect on half of this week. I prayed that he would be a blessing to all who he may come in contact with. Which then made me realize that he blessed me by coming in that day. It was encouraging knowing that we have Christians in many places where lives need to be touched.
  From the big places like the NFL to small businesses such as a dry cleaner. It's become more clear to me that we as Christians have a much bigger job that counts for something eternal. Everyday is a "mission trip" and I'm seeing now that it's not about me, what I want in life or where I am. [I know I often complain about the latter.] It's about meeting people where they're at and going where God calls us.

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:
'Whom shall I send,
And who will go for Us?'
Then I said, 'Here am I! Send me.'"
Isaiah 6:8
  This has been one of my favorite verses, however; for some reason, today it truly makes a lot more sense and is more relevant for where I am.
    This is our eternal duty, to bring and share the gospel. Regardless of where you are or whether you think you aren't qualified. The Lord makes you able.
"Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light."
Colossians 1:12
  God has drafted us on the "team" to be a part of the biggest "play" that He has had in motion since the beginning of time. To be part of such a great inheritance through Jesus Christ. This... this is what makes us able and everyday we should be encouraged to be a light to the world. This should be our joy.
  Just as the bears had quite the win on Sunday, there is a great win still yet to come and mark my words, it will be epic!

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