Ringing in the New Year is always a wonderful time of being with friends and family, playing games, eating good food, sharing stories and favorite memories, perhaps singing and dancing to a song or two. Maybe it's watching football or movies together until the time draws nearer and in unison, everyone counts down.
10... 9...
Could it be that this is really happening? While some may be celebrating the new year in style, others may be celebrating in a more subtle manner. For some it's a joyous time and then for yet others, it can be somewhat sorrowful as they grieve the losses of loved ones that won't be entering the new year with them.
8... 7...
I feel I've got one foot on celebrating while the other on mourning. What would otherwise be a joyous moment it reminds me that around this time I lost someone. My family lost someone. A man who they loved dearly. A man who would never see what any of our outcome would be in 2012. When seeing my life in retrospect I wonder, have I done anything that he would be excited to hear about? Would we have spent more time together or would I have been disappointed to see that everything remained the same? Why does it always seem that life is important and you want to take advantage of it once someone is taken away from you?
I could just sit here and feel sorry or I can be thankful for the times I did get to spend with him. I can be thankful for the many prayers that were said over the long years that he would come to faith in Jesus Christ and that he did accept him as Savior before passing.
6... 5...
In the same way when I look at my life, what would my Lord think of how I spent it? Have I done anything that He would be excited to hear about? Any joys that I would've wanted Him to share in? Have I spent any time in getting to know Him more intimately? Has my spiritual life born anything fruitful or has it continued to remain mundane and monotone. I go to Him when I need something. I only read His Holy Word when I have a bible study that I need to get to. So bible reading has become more like homework and wondering if I passed or not. At least I would get some answers right. Right?
4... 3...
I'm disappointed in having to admit that in my case it's the latter. I haven't spent as much time with Him as I should. I haven't been really reading and taking in the promises He has given me. I haven't treasured them and hidden them in my heart. I haven't been bearing the godly fruit that I would like to as a christian woman. I have not been as disciplined as I should be, bringing my flesh into subjection as Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians 9:27.
Yet with all these things, He reminds me:
"that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." -Romans 8:38-39
How encouraging to hear these words, at least for me. That no matter what I do, I can't be separated from Him because I have surrendered my life to Him on that day that I accepted Him as Savior. Though the walk will be difficult at times, my strength will remain in Him. When things are well, I want to continue to be thankful and humble. When I am struggling, I want to praise Him regardless of the circumstances. And above all, I want to live my life in such a way that when Christ looks on it, He can say:
"Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord." -Matthew 25:21
So, I may have mixed feelings about 2013 [but that's all they are, just feelings], What I do know for a fact is that regardless of whatever I'm feeling or going through, I have a God who cares deeply about me. This same God, cares for you as well and wants nothing but the best for you. He has BIG dreams for you. So let's trust Him together and see what He has in store for us.
I love you Abuelito and I'm so glad that you are partaking in the joy of the Lord. Until we see each other again.
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