Thursday, March 13, 2014

Merci Jésus! [Part One]

  What can I say? I feel the tires of the plane make contact with the ground below and now here I am back Stateside. I can't believe how quickly the time went.

  Just a week ago, I was in Haiti with a good team of people. Old friends and new.
Arrived in Port Au Prince

It was wonderful to revisit Mariani Church from last year and see all the progress they had made since our departure in 2013. Not to mention seeing familiar faces such as Pastor Emmanuel of Mariani Church and Pastor Oxen [I may not be spelling his name correctly].

  Sunday, we went to Mariani Church for service and it was so nice to be able to fellowship with other brothers and sisters in Christ, in another language! Always blesses me greatly!
Church Grounds
  So, this year we were able to join forces again [with the Pastors and people in the community of Mariani] and help expand the church.
  Work consisted of shoveling limestone into wheel-barrels and dumping it into piles, from piles it was shoveled into buckets which were then carried upstairs to the church and dumped into yet another pile.
Limestone and Rock
There, we were to sift through all the limestone to get a fine sand that the Haitians would use to mix with the cement.

This was used to build beams and put down another concrete floor where the pulpit and altar would go.

Before even getting through this process, we loaded up into a couple tap-taps to pick up our building materials. These consisted of:

Cinder Block
Rented Plywood
And Rock [this was just down the hill from the church that needed shoveling.]
Cement and Rebar

  All this hard work began on Monday and would continue throughout the week.
  We had an old friend Johnson, come with us. [He is the master at getting supplies in Haiti] We also had new translators and not only were they with us to translate but became a part of our team family. They partook in the project for the Church and enjoyed helping out. I do honestly believe that God used our team to not only minister to the people in communities around us but also with our translators. I know that the Lord used one of our translators to speak a lot of truth into my life. It was just good to hear encouragement and know that there are others who are committed to pray for you.

  I look forward to sharing how God has been working in me personally at the end of these entries. As for right now I'll share about

what we did while on the work site and also how it went on our prayer walk.

  I pray you all are well and stay tuned for more updates and photos!

Bondye Beni Ou!


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