Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I have returned!

  I wanted to say thank you to all who have generously given to help support me in going to Haiti this year. I truly love and thank you all from the bottom of my heart!
  It has been a wonderful experience going back for the third time and continuing to build relationships with familiar faces.
  This could not be done without the support of you all! Through your steadfast prayers and giving spirits to help send myself and the team, off to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

  For those of you who gave. Not only did you help me get to Haiti, but because the Lord is so good, He provided more than enough funds for us to build and expand the church in Mariani even more. They have big ideas and plans on how they want to change the church and it was encouraging to see that they themselves had been saving money and were able to put on a small extension after our departure in 2013. That was incredible! They even had the school painted when last year it was just blank plywood. God is so good!

  I will have plenty to share and as such, I will be separating these posts so that it's not overwhelming to read all in one sitting. I wanted to write this aside just to say MERCI! THANK YOU! You have no idea what a blessing you have been and will continue to be.
  May the Lord bless you all richly for what you have done!

  I look forward to sharing what happened during the trip soon!


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