Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Lesson In Prayer

"Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving." -Colossians 4:2

  I've realized that although it's great to pray for others when they need it, It won't do me much good to serve others if I'm not taking care of myself. I'd like to take my prayer life more seriously and be able to really present all my needs before the throne of God. When I read that verse today it was a reminder that I should pray earnestly, and with thanksgiving. It's not about going on and on complaining to God about all the things that are wrong in life, although it's ok to tell Him everything, it's important to reflect on all the blessings He's given us in between those difficult times that we need to be thankful for and pray about.

  I'm grateful to have the Lord's Word to confirm things that have been brought up recently or just throughout the days. It reminds me that the Lord really does care about me and everything that happens in my life, and wants to be involved. I shall let Him.